1 Allocation


Defines the allocation optimization algorithm options.

1.1 Attributes

Name Type Description
timestep float The simulated time in seconds between successive allocation calls (Optional, defaults to 86400)
use_allocation bool Whether the allocation algorithm should be active. If not, UserDemand nodes attempt to abstract their full demand (Optional, defaults to False)

1.2 Methods

Name Description
diff Compare two instances of a BaseModel.

1.2.1 diff

Allocation.diff(other, ignore_meta=False)

Compare two instances of a BaseModel.

** Warning: This method is experimental and is likely to change. **

If they are equal, return None. Otherwise, return a nested dictionary with the differences. When the differences are not a DataFrame (like the toml config), the dict has self and other as key. For DataFrames we return a dict with diff as key, and a datacompy Comparison object.

When ignore_meta is set to True, the meta_* columns in the DataFrames are ignored. Note that in that case the key will still be returned and the value will be None. Examples

>>> nbasic == basic
>>> x = nbasic.diff(basic)
{'basin': {'node': {'diff': <datacompy.core.Compare object at 0x16e5a45c0>},
        'static': {'diff': <datacompy.core.Compare object at 0x16eb90080>}},
'solver': {'saveat': {'other': 86400.0, 'self': 0.0}}}
>>> x["basin"]["static"]["diff"].report()
DataComPy Comparison

1.2.2 model_dump
