QGIS plugin manual test plan
This document describes how to perform a full manual test on the Ribasim QGIS plugin. Known shortcomings and issues can be documented here. Bugs can be reported on GitHub.
1 Clean slate tests
Before starting with data, perform the following tests to see if the plugin doesn’t result in any errors.
1.1 Enable and disable
- Open QGIS and navigate to “Plugins > Manage and Install Plugins…”: The plugin management window opens.
- Navigate to “Installed”: Ribasim plugin is in the list (enabled).
- Disable the Ribasim plugin: Ribasim plugin panel hides if it was open, Ribasim button hides from navigation toolbar.
- Enable the Ribasim plugin: Ribasim button shows on the navigation toolbar.
1.2 Open and close
- Open QGIS and ensure that the Ribasim plugin is installed and enabled.
- Open the application via the Ribasim button on the QGIS toolbar: Ribasim panel opens.
- Press the Ribasim button on the QGIS toolbar: Ribasim panel hides.
2 New model tests
2.1 New and cancel
- Open QGIS and ensure that the Ribasim plugin is installed and enabled.
- Open the application via the Ribasim button on the QGIS toolbar: Ribasim panel opens.
- Press the “New” button in the Model tab: file navigation window pops up.
- Fill in a name.
- Press “Cancel”: Ensure that no files are created in that location.
2.2 New single model
- Open QGIS and ensure that the Ribasim plugin is installed and enabled.
- Open the application via the Ribasim button on the QGIS toolbar: Ribasim panel opens.
- Press the “New” button in the Model tab: file navigation window pops up.
- Fill in a name (“test1”).
- Press OK: A TOML and database file are created on the given location.
- The layers tab shows a group with a “Node” and “Link” layer, the canvas is empty.
- The Ribasim panel shows a Node and Link layer, the file path is set in the text field, all nodes buttons are enabled.
- Cleanup: Delete the created files from disk.
2.3 New model in same folder
- Open QGIS and ensure that the Ribasim plugin is installed and enabled.
- Open the application via the Ribasim button on the QGIS toolbar: Ribasim panel opens.
- Press the “New” button in the Model tab: file navigation window pops up.
- Fill in a name (“test1”).
- Press OK: A TOML and database file are created on the given location.
- Press the “New” button in the Model tab: file navigation window pops up.
- Fill in a name (“test2”).
- Press OK: An error is given that the database.gpkg already exists, test2.toml is not written.
- Cleanup: Delete the created files from disk.
❌ Failing
2.4 New model with same name
- Open QGIS and ensure that the Ribasim plugin is installed and enabled.
- Open the application via the Ribasim button on the QGIS toolbar: Ribasim panel opens.
- Press the “New” button in the Model tab: file navigation window pops up.
- Fill in a name (“test1”).
- Press OK: A TOML and database file are created on the given location.
- Open test1.toml in a text editor and write “EXTRA_LINE=true”
- Press the “New” button in the Model tab: file navigation window pops up.
- Fill in a name (“test1”).
- Press OK: Shows a popup window to ask if you want to overwrite.
- Press Yes: An error is given that the database.gpkg already exists, test1.toml is not overwritten (EXTRA_LINE=true) is still in test1.toml.
- Cleanup: Delete the created files from disk.
Unsure if this is wanted behavior, as we said we wanted to overwrite the TOML file, and therefore also the database file. Perhaps we should create folders instead of TOML files only.
❌ Failing
2.5 New model and clean new project cleans Ribasim plugin
- Open QGIS and ensure that the Ribasim plugin is installed and enabled.
- Open the application via the Ribasim button on the QGIS toolbar: Ribasim panel opens.
- Press the “New” button in the Model tab: file navigation window pops up.
- Fill in a name (“test1”).
- Press OK: A TOML and database file are created on the given location.
- Press “Project > New”: Popup asks to save the project.
- Press Discard: Layers tab is emptied, Ribasim panel is emptied.
❌ Failing
5 Map interaction tests
5.1 Add points to Node layer
- Open QGIS and ensure that the Ribasim plugin is installed and enabled.
- Open the application via the Ribasim button on the QGIS toolbar: Ribasim panel opens.
- Press the “New” button in the Model tab: file navigation window pops up.
- Fill in a name (“test1”).
- Press OK: A TOML and database file are created on the given location.
- Select the Node layer in the Layers tab: edit buttons in the toolbar become enabled.
- Edit the layer by pressing the pencil button: Add Point Feature button becomes enabled.
- Click in the canvas: Popup appears with Feature Attributes to fill in.
- Press OK: The first Node appears on the map.
- Click in the canvas again: Popup appears with Feature Attributes to fill in.
- Press OK: The second Node appears on the map.
Unexpected behavior: The default type of the nodes is NULL, and therefore undefined. Should be enforced and validated. See issue.
5.2 Add links to Link layer
- Open QGIS and ensure that the Ribasim plugin is installed and enabled.
- Open the application via the Ribasim button on the QGIS toolbar: Ribasim panel opens.
- Press the “New” button in the Model tab: file navigation window pops up.
- Fill in a name (“test1”).
- Press OK: A TOML and database file are created on the given location.
- Select the Node layer in the Layers tab: edit buttons in the toolbar become enabled.
- Edit the layer by pressing the pencil button: Add Point Feature button becomes enabled.
- Click in the canvas: Popup appears with Feature Attributes to fill in.
- Add a node id of 1, press OK: The first Node appears on the map.
- Click in the canvas again: Popup appears with Feature Attributes to fill in.
- Add a node id of 2, press OK: The second Node appears on the map.
- Select the Link layer in the Layers tab: edit buttons in the toolbar become enabled.
- Enable snapping under View > Toolbars > Snapping Toolbars: Magnet button is enabled and active.
- Press the Add Line Feature button: Mouse becomes a crosshair.
- Snap a line between the two nodes, click the two nodes and then right click to finish: Popup shows with input, most fields are set to NULL.
- Press OK: Line appears on screen between the two nodes.
- Save the layer’s edits: The line becomes blue.
- Open the attribute table: The information shows the from_node_id, to_node_id. This information matches the information from the Node table.
5.3 Node selection on map triggers table selection
- Open QGIS and ensure that the Ribasim plugin is installed and enabled.
- Open the application via the Ribasim button on the QGIS toolbar: Ribasim panel opens.
- Press the “Open” button in the Model tab: file navigation window pops up.
- Choose an existing model from the
folder. - Press OK: The model layers appear in the layer panel and on the map.
- Select the node layer, and make a subselection of nodes on the map: Nodes are highlighted in yellow, including their links.
- Open the Link attribute table: The highlighted rows are those with a from/to node_id that was selected.
- Open any non-spatial attribute table: The highlighted rows are those with an node_id that was selected.
6 Tables tests
6.1 Edit tables with data
6.2 Edit the type of a node
6.3 Edit information in optional tables
7 Result inspection tests
7.1 Run a model and check the time series
8 Tutorial tests
8.1 Perform tutorial in documentation
Go through the tutorial as described in the How-to guide.