
The ContinuousControl node allows for fine control of a controllable property of a connector node, which is updated at each time step. This control can be set up as follows:

  1. Define a compound variable. This is a linear combination of variables in the model the ContinuousControl node can listen to, i.e. flows and levels.;
  2. Define a piecewise linear function by providing datapoints which get interpolated. The controlled parameter is then set to the outcome of this function given the value of the compound variable.

Having ContinuousControl nodes depend on eachother or PidControl nodes does not work. For instance, if one ContinuousControl node sets the flow rate of a pump, this flow rate cannot be used as the input of another ContinuousControl node. This will not throw an error but will produce incorrect results.

1 Tables

1.1 Variable

The compound variable schema defines linear combinations of variables which can be used in conditions. This means that this schema defines new variables with the given compound_variable_id that look like \[ \text{weight}_1 * \text{variable}_1 + \text{weight}_2 * \text{variable}_2 + \ldots, \]

which can be for instance an average or a difference of variables. If a variable comes from a timeseries, a look ahead \(\Delta t\) can be supplied. There is only one compound variable per ContinuousControl node.

column type unit restriction
node_id Int32 - sorted
listen_node_type String - known node type
listen_node_id Int32 - sorted per node_id
variable String - must be “level” or “flow_rate”, sorted per listen_node_id
weight Float64 - (optional, default 1.0)
look_ahead Float64 \(\text{s}\) Only on transient boundary conditions, non-negative (optional, default 0.0).

1.2 Function

The function table defines a piecewise linear function \(f\) interpolating between (input, output) datapoints for each ContinuousControl node. The total computation thus looks like

\[ f(\text{weight}_1 * \text{variable}_1 + \text{weight}_2 * \text{variable}_2 + \ldots). \]

column type unit restriction
node_id Int32 - sorted
input Float64 - sorted per node_id
output Float64 - -
controlled_variable String - must be “level” or “flow_rate”