Test models

Ribasim developers use the following models in their testbench and in order to test new features.

import ribasim_testmodels
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

for model_name, model_constructor in ribasim_testmodels.constructors.items():
    if model_name.startswith("invalid"):

    model = model_constructor()
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (6, 4))
    ax.set_title(label=model_name, loc="left")
    fig.text(0, 1, model_constructor.__doc__)

/home/runner/work/Ribasim/Ribasim/python/ribasim/ribasim/model.py:484: FutureWarning:

The behavior of array concatenation with empty entries is deprecated. In a future version, this will no longer exclude empty items when determining the result dtype. To retain the old behavior, exclude the empty entries before the concat operation.

/home/runner/work/Ribasim/Ribasim/python/ribasim/ribasim/model.py:484: FutureWarning:

The behavior of array concatenation with empty entries is deprecated. In a future version, this will no longer exclude empty items when determining the result dtype. To retain the old behavior, exclude the empty entries before the concat operation.

/home/runner/work/Ribasim/Ribasim/python/ribasim/ribasim/model.py:484: FutureWarning:

The behavior of array concatenation with empty entries is deprecated. In a future version, this will no longer exclude empty items when determining the result dtype. To retain the old behavior, exclude the empty entries before the concat operation.

/home/runner/work/Ribasim/Ribasim/python/ribasim/ribasim/model.py:469: FutureWarning:

The behavior of array concatenation with empty entries is deprecated. In a future version, this will no longer exclude empty items when determining the result dtype. To retain the old behavior, exclude the empty entries before the concat operation.

/home/runner/work/Ribasim/Ribasim/python/ribasim/ribasim/model.py:484: FutureWarning:

The behavior of array concatenation with empty entries is deprecated. In a future version, this will no longer exclude empty items when determining the result dtype. To retain the old behavior, exclude the empty entries before the concat operation.

/home/runner/work/Ribasim/Ribasim/python/ribasim/ribasim/model.py:484: FutureWarning:

The behavior of array concatenation with empty entries is deprecated. In a future version, this will no longer exclude empty items when determining the result dtype. To retain the old behavior, exclude the empty entries before the concat operation.

/home/runner/work/Ribasim/Ribasim/python/ribasim/ribasim/model.py:484: FutureWarning:

The behavior of array concatenation with empty entries is deprecated. In a future version, this will no longer exclude empty items when determining the result dtype. To retain the old behavior, exclude the empty entries before the concat operation.

/home/runner/work/Ribasim/Ribasim/python/ribasim/ribasim/model.py:469: FutureWarning:

The behavior of array concatenation with empty entries is deprecated. In a future version, this will no longer exclude empty items when determining the result dtype. To retain the old behavior, exclude the empty entries before the concat operation.

/home/runner/work/Ribasim/Ribasim/python/ribasim/ribasim/model.py:484: FutureWarning:

The behavior of array concatenation with empty entries is deprecated. In a future version, this will no longer exclude empty items when determining the result dtype. To retain the old behavior, exclude the empty entries before the concat operation.

/home/runner/work/Ribasim/Ribasim/python/ribasim/ribasim/model.py:469: FutureWarning:

The behavior of array concatenation with empty entries is deprecated. In a future version, this will no longer exclude empty items when determining the result dtype. To retain the old behavior, exclude the empty entries before the concat operation.

/home/runner/work/Ribasim/Ribasim/python/ribasim/ribasim/model.py:469: FutureWarning:

The behavior of array concatenation with empty entries is deprecated. In a future version, this will no longer exclude empty items when determining the result dtype. To retain the old behavior, exclude the empty entries before the concat operation.

/home/runner/work/Ribasim/Ribasim/python/ribasim/ribasim/model.py:484: FutureWarning:

The behavior of array concatenation with empty entries is deprecated. In a future version, this will no longer exclude empty items when determining the result dtype. To retain the old behavior, exclude the empty entries before the concat operation.

/home/runner/work/Ribasim/Ribasim/python/ribasim/ribasim/model.py:484: FutureWarning:

The behavior of array concatenation with empty entries is deprecated. In a future version, this will no longer exclude empty items when determining the result dtype. To retain the old behavior, exclude the empty entries before the concat operation.